Adobe Margin Settings

If normal print settings don’t produce the results youexpect, you may need to specify options in the AdvancedPrint Setup dialog box. For example, if your printedoutput doesn’t match the document’s onscreen appearance, you may needto try printing the document as an image (PostScript printers only).Or, if a PDF uses fonts that aren’t embedded, you must downloadthe fonts to the printer when you print the document.

Other advanced printing options in Acrobat Pro let you add printer marks to your printed output and choose how to handle color.

The AdvancedPrint Setup dialog box is available for PostScript andnon-PostScript printers.

  1. Note:

    To learn more about an option, select it.A description appears at the bottom of the dialog box.

  2. Note:

    Acrobat sets the PostScriptlevel automatically, based on the selected printer.

Adjust, Set Margins While Printing PDF Documents. 1.In order to reduce margins while printing a PDF document, set scaling to 110% and then print the PDF. You could select single or double paged PDF, that doesn’t matter. Using scaling, you can increase or decrease margins proportionally without disturbing margins from one side. How to Change Page Margin and Column Settings in Adobe InDesign. Webucator provides instructor-led training to students throughout the US and Canada. We have trained over 90,000 students from over 16,000 organizations on technologies such as Microsoft ASP.NET, Microsoft Office, Azure, Windows, Java, Adobe, Python, SQL, JavaScript, Angular and much more.

Print settings are preserveduntil you change them. When you change an option, the Settings valueautomatically updates from Acrobat Default toCustom, and the new settings are preserved. You can also save customsettings using a unique name.

  1. If a custom printer settings file exists with the settings you want, choose it from the Settings menu. Otherwise, choose Acrobat Default.


    To learn more about an option, select it.A description of it appears at the bottom of the dialog box.

  2. If normal printing doesn’t produce the desired results, select Print As Image and choose a resolution from the drop-down list.

  3. Select any of the panels on the left side of the AdvancedPrint Setup dialog box, and set options for either composite orseparations output.


    Some options in the general Print dialog box affect settings in the Advanced Print Setup dialog box. For example, selecting the Print Color As Black option (Windows) affects color settings in Advanced Print Setup.

    • Set color and other output conditions. See Output options.

    • Set options for printer marks. See Include marks and bleeds.

    • Set options for PostScript printers. See PostScript options.


    Acrobat sets the PostScript level automatically, based on the selected printer.

    • Set options for managing color. See Color management options.
  4. To save the settings using a unique name, click Save As, specify a filename, and click OK.

  5. Click OK to accept the settings and return to the Print dialog box.

Use the PostScript Options panelof the Advanced Print Setup dialog box toset options for a particular PostScript printer. These options includehow to handle nonresident printer fonts and whether to downloadAsian fonts. If a PDF contains device-dependent settings, such ashalftones and transfer functions, these settings can be sent inthe PostScript output to override the default settings in the printer.To use these options, you must be connected to a PostScript printer orhave a PostScript printer driver installed with a PPD file selected.

Specifies how fonts and resources in the document are sentto a printer when those fonts and resources aren’t present on theprinter.

Downloads all fonts and resources at the start of the printjob. The fonts and resources remain on the printer until the jobhas finished printing. This option is the fastest but uses the mostprinter memory.

Downloads fonts and resources before printing the first page thatuses them, and then discards them when they are no longer needed.This option uses less printer memory. However, if a PostScript processorreorders the pages later in the workflow, the font downloading canbe incorrect, resulting in missing fonts. This option does not workwith some printers.

Downloads all fonts and resources for a given page before thepage prints, and then discards the fonts when the page has finishedprinting. This option uses the least printer memory.

Specifies the level of PostScript to generate for the pages. Choose the level of PostScript appropriate for your printer.

Specifies the level of PostScript to generate for the pages. Choose the level of PostScript appropriate for your printer.


Printsdocuments with Asian fonts that aren’t installed on the printeror embedded in the PDF. The Asian fonts must be present on the system.

Emit Undercolor Removal/Black Generation (Acrobat Pro)

Black Generation calculates the amount of black to be used when reproducing a particular color. Undercolor removal (UCR) reduces cyan, magenta, and yellow components to compensate for the black added by the black generation. Because it uses less ink, UCR is used for newsprint and uncoated stock.

Allows you to emit the embedded halftones instead of using the halftones in the output device. Halftone information controls how much ink is deposited at a specific location on the paper. Varying the dot size and density creates the illusion of variations of gray or continuous color. For a CMYK image, four halftone screens are used: one for each ink used in the printing process.

Emits embedded transfer functions. Transfer functions are traditionally used to compensate for dot gain or dot loss that occurs when an image is transferred to film. Dot gain occurs when the ink dots that make up a printed image are larger (for example, due to spreading on paper) than in the halftone screen. Dot loss occurs when the dots print smaller. With this option, the transfer functions are applied to the file when the file is output.

allows you to use the flatness value of the PDF if the PDF already has flatness settings. If the PDF doesn’t have any flatness settings, Acrobat controls it for the PostScript printing. The flatness value sets the limit for how much Acrobat can approximate a curve.

Emits PostScript form objects for Form XObjects within the PDF. Selecting this option reduces the overall size of the print job, but it could increase the printer memory that is used. A form XObject is a container of graphics objects (including path objects, text objects, and sampled images) within the PDF. Form XObjects create a single description for complex objects that can appear many times in a single document, such as background images or company logos.

Prevents printing problems like red boxes over graphics,or pages printing mirrored or upside down. These problems can occurwhen Acrobat or Reader cannot use the default Color RenderingDictionaries (CRDs) on some PostScript printers.

Specifies if you want Acrobat to always use host collation for printing without checking the printer driver. Acrobat uses printer collation by default. Printer collation sends the print jobs separately to the printer and allows the printer to figure out how to collate the pages. For example if you send out two copies of a two page job, the printer receives two jobs of two pages. Host collation figures out how to collate the pages in Acrobat and then sends that job to the printer. For example if you send out two copies of a two page job, the printer receives a single rearranged job of four pages.

Printspages as bitmap images. Select this option if normal printing doesn’tproduce the desired results, and specify a resolution. This option isavailable only for PostScript printers.

Select the Download Asian Fonts optionin the Advanced Print Setup dialog box if you want to print a PDFwith Asian fonts that aren’t installed on the printer or embeddedin the document. Embedded fonts are downloaded whether or not thisoption is selected. You can use this option with a PostScript Level2 or higher printer. To make Asian fonts available for downloadingto a printer, be sure you have downloaded the fonts to your computerusing the Custom or Complete installation option during installationof Acrobat.

If Download Asian Fonts is not selected,the PDF prints correctly only if the referenced fonts are installedon the printer. If the printer has similar fonts, the printer substitutesthose. If there are no suitable fonts on the printer, Courier isused for the text.

If DownloadAsian Fonts does not produce the results you want, print the PDFas a bitmap image. Printing a document as an image may take longerthan using a substituted printer font.


Some fonts cannot be downloaded to a printer, either becausethe font is a bitmap or because font embedding is restricted inthat document. In these cases, a substitute font is used for printing,and the printed output may not match the screen display.

Use the Output panel of the AdvancedPrint Setup dialog box to set output options.

Presents composite and separations options. Other optionsbecome available in the Output panel depending on your selectionin this menu. For more information about color composite and separations,see Printingcolor.

Specifies if the orientation of the page on the media. Fliphorizontal for wrong-reading documents, flip vertical to changevertical orientation. This option is only enabled for separationsand disabled for composites.

Select this option to print the document reversed. For example,black appears as white on the resulting output. This option is onlyenabled for separations and disabled for composites.

Specifies the lines per inch (lpi) and dots per inch (dpi)combinations.

Specifies if trapping is off. Click Trap Presets tomanage trapping presets.


Flattens transparent objects according to the preset youchoose.

Simulates the effects of overprinting spot inks in composite output and converts spot colors to process colors for printing; the document itself is unchanged. This option is useful for printing devices that don’t support overprinting and is available only if you choose Composite from the Color menu. If you intend to use a file for separations on a RIP (raster image processor) or for final output, don’t select this option.


When printing to a printer that supports overprinting, make sure that this option is unselected, so the native overprinting capabilities of the printer are used.

Controls how resolution progression information, if present,is used when generating PostScript. When selected, the maximum resolutiondata contained in the image is used. When unselected, the resolutiondata is consistent with the resolution settings on the TransparencyFlattening panel.

Modifies the way inks are treated while the current PDF isopen. See InkManager overview.

Incommercial printing, continuous tone is simulated by dots (called halftone dots)printed in rows (called lines or line screens).Lines are printed at different angles to make the rows less noticeable.The Screening menu in the Output section of the Print dialog boxdisplays the recommended sets of line screens in lines per inch(lpi), and resolution in dots per inch (dpi), based on the currently selectedPPD. As you select inks in the ink list, the values in the Frequencyand Angle boxes change, showing you the halftone screen frequencyand angle for that ink.

A high line-screen ruling (for example,150 lpi) spaces the dots closely together to create a finely renderedimage on the press; a low line-screen ruling (60 lpi to 85 lpi)spaces the dots farther apart to create a coarser image. The sizeof the dots is also determined by the line screen. A high line-screenruling uses small dots; a low line-screen ruling uses large dots.The most important factor in choosing a line-screen ruling is thetype of printing press your job will use. Ask your service providerhow fine a line screen its press can hold, and make your choicesaccordingly.

Margin Settings For Letters

A. 65 lpi: Coarse screen for printing newsletters andgrocery coupons B. 85 lpi: Average screenfor printing newspapers C. 133 lpi:High-quality screen for printing four-color magazines D. 177 lpi: Veryfine screen for printing annual reports and images in art books

ThePPD files for high-resolution imagesetters offer a wide range ofpossible screen frequencies, paired with various imagesetter resolutions.The PPD files for low-resolution printers typically have only afew choices for line screens, usually coarser screens of between53 lpi and 85 lpi. The coarser screens, however, give optimum resultson low‑resolution printers. Using a finer screen of 100 lpi, for example,actually decreases the quality of your image when you use a low-resolutionprinter for final output.

Follow these steps to specify halftonescreen frequency:

  1. In the Output panel of the AdvancedPrint Setup dialog box, do one of the following:
    • To select one of the preset screen frequencies and printer resolution combinations, choose an option from the Screening menu.

    • To specify a custom halftone screen frequency, in the ink list, select the plate to be customized, and then enter the lpi value in the Frequency box and a screen angle value in the Angle box.


    Before creating your own halftone screens, check with your print service provider for the preferred frequencies and angles. Also, be aware that some output devices override the default frequencies and angles.

Specify the emulsion and image exposure (Acrobat Pro)

Dependingon the type of printing press used and how information is transferred fromthe film to the printing plates, you may need to give your serviceprovider film negatives or positives, with emulsion side up or down. Emulsion refersto the photosensitive layer on a piece of film or paper. Typically,print service providers require negative film in the United Statesand positive film in Europe and Japan. Check with your service providerto determine which emulsion direction they prefer.

To tell whether you are lookingat the emulsion side or the nonemulsion side (also referred to asthe base), examine the final film under a good light.One side appears shinier than the other. The dull side is the emulsionside; the shiny side is the base.

A. Positive image B. Negative C. Negativewith emulsion side down


The emulsion and image exposure settingsin the Print dialog box override any conflicting settings in theprinter driver. Always specify print settings using the Print dialogbox.

Follow these steps to specify the emulsion and exposure:

Adobe reader print margin settings
  1. Select Output on the left side of the Advanced Print Setup dialog box.

  2. Makes no changes to the orientation of the imageablearea. Type that is in the image is readable (that is, “right reading”)when the photosensitive layer is facing you. This is the default.

    Mirrors the imageable area across a vertical axis sothat it is “wrong reading.”

    Mirrors the imageable area across a horizontalaxis so that it is upside down.

    Mirrors the imageable area across the horizontal and verticalaxes so that it is wrong reading. Type is readable when the photosensitive layeris facing away from you. Images printed on film are often printed Horizontal AndVertical.

  3. Select the Negative option for negative film; deselectit for positive film.


    The Negative option is also available if you choose In-RIP Separations from the Color menu.

You can place printer marks on the page toindicate the boundaries of document boxes supported by AdobePDF, such as trim boxes and bleed boxes. These marksare not added as page content; however, they are included in the PostScriptoutput.

The options in the Marks And Bleeds panelare unavailable under these circumstances:

  • The PDF includes printer marks added using a different Acrobat feature, the Add Printer Marks tool.

  • The crop, bleed, and trim boxes are all the same size. The crop box is defined in the Crop Box dialog box (choose Tools > Print Production > Set Page Boxes). If the artwork contains a bleed, make sure that the crop box is big enough to accommodate the bleed box and other printer marks.

A. Trim marks B. Registrationmarks C. Page information D. Colorbars E. Bleed marks
  1. Select Marks And Bleeds on the left side of the Advanced Print Setup dialog box.

  2. Choose the printer marks you want. The marks appear inthe preview on the left side of the Advanced Print Setupdialog box.

Creates all printer marks at once.

Determinesthe appearance of the marks. You can choose default InDesign marks,or marks from other applications as listed.

Determinesthe weight of the lines for trim, bleed, and registration marks.

Adobe Default Settings

Placesa mark at each corner of the trim area to indicate the PDF trim boxboundaries.

Placesa mark at each corner of the bleed box to indicate the PDF bleedbox boundaries. A bleed box defines the amount of extra area toimage outside the defined page size.

Placesmarks outside the crop area for aligning the different separationsin a color document.

Adds asmall square of color for each grayscale or process color. Spot colorsconverted to process colors are represented using process colors.Your service provider uses these marks to adjust ink density onthe printing press.

Placespage information outside the crop area of the page. Page informationincludes the filename, page number, current date and time, and colorseparation name.

Use the Color Management panelof the Advanced Print Setup dialog box to set options for printingcolor. For more information about printing color, see Printing color.

Determines if color management is used and whether it happensin the application or at the printing device.

Enables you to select an ICC Profile thatdescribes the target output device.

Sends the document’s color dataalong with the document profile directly to the printer and letsthe printer convert the document to the printer color space. Theexact results of the color conversion can vary among printers.

Discards all color management information and sends devicecolor to the printer.

Determines the profile used for handling colors during printing.

Displays the output color based on the settings in the Output panelof the Advanced Print Setup dialog box.

Select this option to ensure that any grayscale as well asRGB graphical objects for which R, G, B have equal values, are printed usingonly the black (K) when you enable color management and specifya CMYK profile printing to a PostScript printer

Specifies that pure K-based CMYK colors are preserved asK-based in CMYK to CMYK conversions that may occur when you enablecolor management and specify a CMYK profile printing to a PostScriptprinter.

Specifies that pure primary-based (C only, M only, Y only,or K only) CMYK colors are preserved in CMYK to CMYK conversionsthat may occur when you enable color management and specify a CMYKprofile printing to a PostScript printer.

Simulates the print space defined by the device identified in the Simulation Profile menu of the Output Preview dialog box. (Choose Tools >Print Production > Output Preview.) This option allows you to simulate the appearance of one device on another.

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Active3 years, 3 months ago

My document size is US Legal paper size (14 X 8.5 inches). I've chosen that setting under the page setup. In the viewer window, I can see that there are what seems to be preset margins, and my design content does not fit in those margins. What are the margin inches, so I may design within them? Or is there a way to manually set the margin sizes on an Adobe Illustrator CS6 document?

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Ali BrunmeierAli Brunmeier
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1 Answer

On the print options page, choose 'Page Setup' then change paper size to US Legal (14 X 8.5 inches). After, go back to 'Print Options', view the drop down menu under 'Scaling'. Choose 'Fit to Page'. There is no need to change margin sizes, this will automatically fit your content within the size of your art board, in this case, 14 X 8.5 inches.

Ali BrunmeierAli Brunmeier

Adobe Acrobat Dc Margin Settings

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Adobe Dc Margin Settings

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